The property is approximately 40 kms from the Albury/Wodonga and 20 kms to Tallangatta and 18kms to Tangambalanga.

Balance of rolling undulated country and genuine strong hill grazing, native pastures throughout and well fenced completely stock proof. Access roads make navigating the property a breeze for spraying or stock movement.

Working improvements-
Quality shedding with weekend residence and open bay shedding for storing machinery out of the weather, small hay shed and Timber cattle yards perfect for the size of the property.

With an abundance of water, the property boasts numerous spring-fed dams as well as some catchment dams as well a reliable creek throughout, the weekend residence has rainwater and is plumbed to provide gravity feed to the taps.

Planning matters-
The land is zoned farming and as a result would have a building entitlement STCA (Indigo Shire Council)